Tag Archive: Japan

The Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster (福島第一原子力発電所事故 Fukushima Dai-ichi ( pronunciation: genshiryoku hatsudensho jiko) was an energy accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant in ŌkumaFukushima Prefecture, initiated primarily by the tsunami following the Tōhoku earthquake on 11 March 2011.

Stark Networks AG Innovation - Property Investment Technology Matrix

Stark Networks AG Innovation – Property Investment Technology Matrix

The research continues at break-neck speed, but will we have time to save planet Earth and humanity from the path being forged by the Cryptoborgs?

Immediately after the earthquake, the active reactors automatically shut down their sustained fission reactions. However, the tsunami disabled the emergency generators that would have provided power to control and operate the pumps necessary to cool the reactors. The insufficient cooling led to three nuclear meltdownshydrogen-air explosions, and the release of radioactive material in Units 1, 2 and 3 from 12 March to 15 March. Loss of cooling also raised concerns over the recently loaded spent fuel pool of Reactor 4, which increased in temperature on 15 March due to the decay heat from the freshly added spent fuel rods but did not boil down to exposure.

Enter the Cryptoborgs, laboratory and field tested and expendable. Advanced computer systems with Artificial Intelligence (AI) and radiation resistant materials. Things went quiet, the world was seemingly left in the dark, media and associated press advised readers to wait whilst officials worked to complete assessments of the causes and extent of damage to the nuclear facility. From an observers perspective, it was obvious a humanitarian disaster had occurred, and even more obvious that a lot was being covered up, twisted and manipulated to ulterior agendas.

On 5 July 2012, not surprisingly, the Fukushima Nuclear Accident Independent Investigation Commission (NAIIC) found that the causes of the accident had been foreseeable, and that the plant operator, Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO), had failed to meet basic safety requirements such as risk assessment, preparing for containing collateral damage, and developing evacuation plans.

On 12 October 2012, TEPCO admitted for the first time that it had failed to take necessary measures for fear of inviting lawsuits or protests against its nuclear plants. But, was there some other more sinister reason things went the way they did? As economies have been under pressure, growth rates at close to zero, have others been concocting new ways involving technological innovation in order to seek profits?

It is not coincidental, the emergence of superior machines has produced these AI organisms that have both organic “natural” and cybernetic “machine” parts. In other words, when people become cyborgs, they’re part human and part machine. The initial challenge was to overcome the radiation and make the contaminated real estate encapsulating the destroyed nuclear power plant valuable again. Discussions of Artificial Intelligence (AI) have created a certain amount of unease in the local communities surrounding the disaster site, and by those who fear it will quickly evolve from being a benefit to human society to taking over. Even Stephen Hawking and Elon Musk have warned of AI’s threats.

Scientists have now created biological computers inside living cells. They’ve developed a biological computer that controls how cells behave,” says Alexander Green, an engineer at Arizona State University, who developed the technology with colleagues at Harvard University. “The cells go about their normal business, replicating and sensing what’s going on in their environments, but they’ve also got this computational machinery in them that we’ve instructed them to synthesise,” he says, and the new biological circuit works just like a digital one, it receives an input and makes a logic-based decision, using AND, OR, and NOT operations, but instead of the inputs and outputs being voltage signals, they are the presence or absence of specific chemicals or proteins. The process begins with the design of a DNA strand that codes for all the logic the system will need. The researchers then inserted the synthesised DNA into E. coli bacteria as part of a plasmid, which is a ring of DNA that can replicate itself as it floats around in the cell, that served as a template for the biological computer’s machinery. The cell’s molecular machinery then translated the DNA into RNA, essentially copying the DNA code onto a different molecule, which could then be used by the cell.

Engineering and expert mining companies were employed swiftly in the aftermath and technological solutions were called for as more and more people were diagnosed with radiation sickness. Advanced machines were required to dive into leaking and contaminated wreckage, involving complex assessment of parameters, a matrix of time, heat and pressure, that all needs to be contained, paid for and generate future revenues for sustainability.

It was only a few years prior that Bitcoin was born, supposedly by a Japanese man, but who knows him personally? Bitcoin was invented by an unknown person or group of people using the name Satoshi Nakamoto, perhaps a first generation Cryptoborg? The cryptocurrency was released as open-source software in 2009. In the years since other cryptocurrencies have emerged into the world, with Chinese, Japanese and Korean mining operations emerging as leading proponents in the field. Originally just viewed as a geeky magic internet money for nerds, and one may recall someone ordering a pizza with 10,000 BTC in 2010 and the thought may have been fleetingly whimsical? Of course that was then, and a couple of tech geeks would use their magic internet money to have a pizza delivered.

But we are now in 2018 and the world has leapt forward dramatically, and it is almost as if few few really see what’s happening? Crypto currencies have evolved since then into a full-fledged blockchain ecosystem. Projects are innovating at the protocol level allowing for immutable, permissionless, transparent, censorship resistant transactions, while doing away with the need for trusted intermediaries.

This powerful combination of technologies has given idealists and supporters of freedom a new hope across the entire globe. However, the proliferation of ICO (initial coin offerings) hype has enabled some company founders to pen a quick white paper setting out the details of their fundraising for a quick money grab and investors to find the next flip. People want to make money, after all.

Binance just launched their crypto-fiat Uganda Exchange on June 28th. You might ask why Uganda? The revenue will be much higher in established markets. Binance’s mission is to spread the adoption of crypto to the masses. CZ, Founder and CEO of Binance says, “Uganda is a much less developed financial economy. To get crypto adopted in a country where only 11% of the population has a bank account will take years of painstaking drive. You have to educate users, build the economy, and essentially build everything from scratch.”

Meanwhile, the vast energy requirements in running mining operations have driven many mining operations to seek opportunities in cost effective locations. Japan’s contaminated wasteland and other areas have become hot spots for economic “off-the-grid” mining operations. An example, nestled right between the Sea of Japan and the Ryohaku Mountains, the city of Fukui is not necessarily a tourist hotspot. But Fukui has started to become known across the world for another reason. Cheap rental prices and inexpensive electricity have driven cryptocurrency miners to the seaside city. Some residents are hoping more will come set up shop. A former lace factory in the city of roughly 250,000 people is now home to a bustling virtual currency mine. A Tokyo-based company called Alt Design is in charge of operating the 500 servers that should theoretically churn out about 200 Ethereum coins per month.

Looping back to reiterate the research continues at break-neck speed, but will we have time to save planet Earth and humanity from the path being forged by the Cryptoborgs?





Fukushima Meltdown

The Fukishima Nuclear power plant meltdown is a global catastrophe

Radioactive materials spewed out from the crippled Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant and rained down on North America soon after the meltdown and then still more “hot particles” were carried all the way to Europe, according to a simulation by university researchers.

The computer simulation by researchers at Kyushu University and the University of Tokyo, among other institutions, calculated dispersal of radioactive dust from the Fukushima plant beginning at 9 p.m. on March 14, when radiation levels around the plant spiked. An interesting simulation can be played by clicking on this article in the Mainichi Daily News.

And the problem continues … Humanity needs to address this issue from the perspective of maintaining a sustainable existence… Certain “Hot Particles” have extremely long lives… some lasting for more than a billion years!

Our children and future generations will be subjected to problems that have been created by people who have developed the current direction of global power, and those who have done this, have simply been short sighted and ignorant of our Earth’s fragile make up, environmental phenomena and climactic cycles that have been evolving since the beginning of time.

An Historical look at Japan's March 2011 Earthquake

An Historical look at Japan's March 2011 Earthquake

Is the devastation and destruction we experience man-made?
Is the cutting off of people from one another planned and intentional?
Is this something that is on a scale far larger than one would wish to imagine?
Are we being subjected to research and experiments by ruthless trolls without a conscience for man kind?
What are the consequences for humanity?
How does the human race fight this?

Let’s continue to harp on this perspective for a moment, shall we? Or is that spelled HAARP? READ MORE about this ‘Active Research Program’ here… (“HAARP High_Frequency_Active_Auroral_Research_Program”) … this is not a mere alternative rock idea… a Muse in vibrational nature… it is highly charged and capable of affecting communications globally, can manipulate the weather and so much more… and make no mistake… the consequences are certainly extremely volatile.

Neither is Facebook a quirky little quasi soft porn dating site born from some young college kids wet dream designed in collaboration with his close fraternity geek comrades to pick up chicks … it’s a man made cyberspace social network with a purpose, and that purpose has expanded beyond the dictatorial decision makers with their blunt instrumental assessment and cyber policy weapons of mass destruction … Do we know who really controls Facebook? Now that it has successfully harnessed the masses in the process of getting hundreds of millions of subscribers (and their private data) across the globe, a feat that no other social networking company has managed to come close to, is Facebook being controlled wrongly and therefore as a consequence, its subscribers manipulated?

The fundamental and ‘humanitarian’ reason for Facebook’s existence is to allow people to connect with others… all over the world…… and this is precisely why it became so successful be those subscribers reside in China, Japan, Middle Eastern countries, South East Asian countries, India, United States of America, Australia, Philippines, Indonesia, South American countries, Scandinavia, Pacific Islands, Atlantic Islands, African countries, Outer space, or anywhere the computers used in cyberspace can connect the dots… or so we are lead to believe… UNTIL one and many are indiscriminately and suddenly ‘disabled’ by the powers than control… or as Charlie Sheen would very eloquently phrase it… the Trolls! Was there more to this rapid expansion of a social networking tool than meets the eye? Many reading thus far, might question my writing, and make an incorrect assessment that the author is some celebrity, drug addicted, alcoholic bipolar freak… ahem … #WINNING … check “@JamesWith on Twitter … and I urge you to think again, and continue reading…

Has Facebook become a weapon of cyber war? Is Facebook being utilized as a Weapon of Mass Destruction (WMD) and manipulated by those who do not have humanity’s best interests in mind? Anyone who has done just a little research into Science & Technology, Space Research programs, History of UFO’s & Aliens, economic warfare of nations and then takes a moment to pause, and then ponders to look at the bigger picture playing out across the world, and furthermore has the courage and constitution to keep an open and rational mind has to question what is going on?

This is not a coincidence… This is daunting and alarming… Our right to exist is being curtailed and controlled at levels and by those who are not only archaic in cognizance, but unfortunately powerful enough to tragically threaten our very existence and the Earth we inhabit. This is not a fight against CBS, Warner Brothers, Sony, Lionsgate or any other movie studio played out on FOX, ABC, NBC, Al Jezeera or any other journalistic news reporting service.

Scores of people missing, millions of homes left without power, destruction on a level that we have only previously seen on the silver screen, or on DVD or TV in futuristic Hollywood films… Ruthless and unwavering decisions that cause catastrophic effects… Most recently NHK TV, other media professionals, and amateur photographers, videographers and civilians have captured the devastating energy that is harnessed in earthquakes and tsunamis, The footage is as unbelievable as it is entirely real.

Independence Day Chairs on Set - Nevada, Utah, USA

"We will not go quietly into the night... We will not give up without a fight"

We have entered a world resembling something from James Cameron’s 2003 Hollywood film starring Arnold Schwarzenegger (“Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines”) and a swathe of films being released this year and next, such as (“Battle: Los Angeles”) (“Battle: Los Angeles on IMDB”), and the Independence Day sequels 2 & 3 to the Hollywood blockbuster of an alien invasion of Earth (“Independence Day”)… cyber-space, social networking… and what are the Trolls at Facebook doing in their private ivory trade control towers? … blithely conducting their own “High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program” in cyberspace… the active experiment is called Facebook!

The increase in seismic activity causing destruction and devastation across the globe is expanding exponentially… and the correlations and comparisons that one can draw and are playing out as special effects on a matrix of interconnected planes… international communications mirrored & bouncing information across cyberspace and also equally as evident in the highly competitive worlds of global banking, corporate behemoths and the economics of social networking. This is economic warfare being played out now, and the casualties of this cyber warfare are increasing; the stress meter is rising in those affected by this callous and vicious approach to our basic right to communicate with others. The number of people affected is increasing faster than Moore’s Law. There are fault lines and cracks appearing around the globe, and this is not only contained to activity surrounding plate tectonics, or the Pacific Ring of Fire! If you would like to know more about seismic effects on the earth from a scientific viewpoint, this article in the Geology Times is a worthwhile read: (“A stress meter for fault zones”).

Humanity and our existence is being threatened by power hungry despots … By the year 2004 the exponential acceleration of the world’s processes of integrated circuitry defied even “Moore’s Law” … the world’s financial system, the whole basis of current economic thinking is being shaken to the very magma of the Earth’s core. Massive concentrated beams of electricity fired at our ionosphere using the Ionospheric Research Instrument (IRI) and other instruments, such as a VHF and a UHF radar, a fluxgate magnetometer, a digisonde and an induction magnetometer, are areas that need exposition… Humanity is being subjected to giant undisclosed experiments essentially being run by “United States Air Force & BAE Systems Inc.”… and as human beings affected by these instruments of science in more ways than is being disclosed… we have a right to know!

Since the “Birth of Facebook” in February 2004, the reverberations and ripples of terrorism enveloped in the cyber earthquakes happening in our world, caused by the selfish trolls that skulk in the corridors of their legislative labyrinths are spreading exponentially in a frenzied power grab… in December of the same year a huge earthquake, and ensuing tsunami reverberated across the Pacific Ocean destroying livelihoods and homes in many countries, and leaving hundreds of thousands of people dead and unaccounted for. There are many articles that focus on this escalating phenomenon and I urge you to read widely… here’s one such article in the “History of Earthquakes causing Tsunamis. Please take a closer look at the parameters, specifics and resultant effects of the most recent catastrophe in “Japan’s Earthquake & Tsunami of March 2011. Of further interest is the request made by the Japanese Government (via its space agency JAXA) for the activation of the International Charter on Space and Major Disasters, thus allowing diverse satellite imagery of affected regions to be readily shared with rescue and aid organisations.

Whether or not you choose to involve yourself, you have at least found this blog article and either read this far or skimmed to the bottom… And I urge you to do your own research, learn more, and take an active interest in the world you inhabit. As human beings, sharing this planet, we have a basic right to global communicating, sharing and caring… and it is entirely selfish to think otherwise. Those who are not prepared to share and create a positive difference for all of humanity are evil tyrants, dictators, trolls, and power worshipers… Humanity and the human race must survive and fight this persecution and tyranny.

And you must make a choice… NOW!

James With
“Partnering WITH the World to Create a Positive Difference”
James With on Linked in